Still in the process of moving in, so please excuse the boxes/clutter.
View from entryway - Bedroom is to your immediate right (not pictured) and then followed by the Kitchen. Dining/Breakfast area are to your left. Big Living Room is immediately ahead. |
View from Kitchen into Living Room - Planning to put TV on the wall to left with couch in the middle of the room. |
Office - Opposite Wall in Living Room - Planning to use that for Office area. Bathroom door to your right (not pictured). Wraps back behind kitchen into Bedroom. |
Color Swatch of Couch against Stained Concrete |
What do you think about this couch? What do you think about this couch in my unit? I was also thinking about the matching Ottoman. One Designer in a furniture store told me using an Ottoman to create the Chaise lounge was more versatile than committing to a Right or Left Chaise Lounge.
Other Couches:
Nebraska Furniture Mart - Lazar Nicole - I like the clean lines on this couch. Was thinking about doing it in a tan fabric and then brown leather Welting if I didn't do a brown leather couch. |
Nebraska Furniture Mart - This couch stuck out to me. I unfortunately didn't like the extra deep couch and subsequent need for a lot of pillows. I also wasn't fond of the tall arms. |
Nebraska Furniture Mart - This chair reminds me of the one at the Tye's beach house in Sea Island, but I recall that their couch was more distressed looking. I remember the seat looking as if it had been sit in for decades. (1) Would we still be able to find those chairs, & (2) Would they go with the Fulham couch I picked above, or would it be safer to go with a fabric couch like the 2nd one I picked out? |
Kitchen Table:
Pottery Barn - Benchwright Dining Table - Picture from the store above. Picture from the website below. I think it would go nicely against the wall opposite the kitchen cabinets. I do wonder how practical and versatile it would be in my next place. It seems rather large. |